Hi, there! What an unholy week. The Chief of German Airforce and his regime buddies planned the bombing of a civilian bridge on Russian territory in Crimea [the infamous WebEx Singapore leak]. Not illegal in Germany, but very German, isn't it? Here is what the Fourth German Reich of European Nations is up to [in the link]. Meanwhile, the UK and Canada have stepped up the persecution of speech. Most of the nations listed below are not going to survive because they have lost the monopoly on their own currencies, laws, economies, and people. And on speech. Many won’t like that, won’t like that at all, so a Third World War now seems increasingly inevitable. As far as the Germans are concerned, they are at it.
Antisemitism Or Survival
Some say that World War Three has already started with the worldwide blood clot shots psyop by Pfizer, boosted by the Deep State, also know as The Jews, that was planetary force-mandated and probably killed about ten million healthy Whites, but fewer people of color.
Others say it started with the US-Zionists murdering millions in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan simultaneously (wonder what they have all in common with regards to Israel), feeding conflicts in Lebanon, Nigeria, and South Africa, and the routing of the Third World’s war refugees into Western Europe as ‘cultural enrichment’ to breed with the subdued Gentiles—a grotesque seeding of subhumans that could have easily sprung from pen-and-paper barbarian lore or some Lovecraftian plot of madness and miscegenation.
It feels so sad. It is so… artificial. It is not human. It could never have happened without alien intervention from the Fifth Dimension. The Great Manipulators with their cosmic narcissism and victim complex have endlessly abused us, the humans; they lied to us, fed on our pity for their fabricated stories of tragedy and groundless persecution for four thousand years in order to destroy our civilizations, from Egypt to Babylon, from Palestine to Rome, from Germany to England, and now America. In every nation they moved in, they emotionally abused the host, and now they have the wireless Internet to be everywhere at once, and at the same time.
The American Christians will suffer the most, for the latest US hate-speech laws are exclusively imagined to persecute them, and them before all others.