Happy New Year! Frohes Neues Jahr! 新年快乐! नए साल की शुभकामनाएँ!
Brave Don X Redressed Germany’s Wrongs
Background: Billionaire Elon ‘SpaceX’ Musk Interferes in 2025 German Election, Brands the Chancellor a Fool, Calls for Regime Change!!!
The most cited metaphor in Don Quixote by Cervantes is that of a delusional madman who mistakes windmills for giants who plague the lands.
Another, much darker metaphor however, is the knight’s inability to interpret the signs of the world around him which leads to disaster for everyone he tries to save.
To Right A Wrong
One of Quixote’s most outrageous foreign policy blunders involves a 15-year-old servant boy tied to an oak tree, half-naked and sobbing as his master brutally whips him: “Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open!”
Don Quixote, convinced he’s witnessing oppression of the worst kind, intervenes and sends a lot of negative tweets and writes a scathing op-ed in a German newspaper, Die Welt: “Untie the boy!” he shouts, and „Right that Wrong at once!“ Also: “Pay him reparations! And show me the rapport of the proceedings!” And so on.
[I am paraphrasing, of course. The exchange between the abuser, the boy, and the don is really hilarious. You should look it up.]
Anyways, no sooner does Quixote ride off, basking in the glow of his perceived triumph over systematic oppression, than the master beats the halo out of the boy and leaves him to dead. (He survived, but barely).
Alas, much has been said about the moral of that memorable episode. It is as much a moral tale about the proverbial “do-gooder” who makes things worse with his utter moronic interventions, as it is about minding one’s own business.
Enter Don X
Now, meet our modern-day Quixote:“Don (Elon) X” of Musk. Armed with tweets and declarations, Musk set out to “save” Germany.
Just as Don X left Mar-a-Lago last week, he noticed that half impoverished, abused (US-occupied) German nation state, all tied up to an insane, inhumane ideology.
Its master, the anti-German regime, was giving the poor German people a most brutal, horrible whipping: „Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open!“
The anti-German regime wants the native Germans to starve, die, and be replaced by brown people. It wants the economy to shrink and its people persecuted for complaining about the decline.
Don Musk untied the German people and lectured the regime about the injustice inflicted on land, people, and culture, and how the regime should dismantle itself and release the people, and show repentance.
Now, after this heavy lecture the regime, Don X, satisfied with his heroic intervention, he departed, eager to tell his sidekick, Dumpo Trumpaz, all about it—only to watch from afar as the regime cracked down even harder on its people.
A Madness Theme Tracker
Every time Don X or his ally, Dumpo Trumpaz, intervened in German affairs, the situation worsened.
Here are the facts: