Japanese Officials Implemented The ‘Retard Badge‘
Japan is over. Look at these measures (only for the 99%)!
TOKYO—Japanese officials implemented the 'retard badge' (an identifying face cloth to mark retards) between 2020 and since forever.
Retards are supposed to wear the retard badge at all times when stepping out, exercising, walking in the park, cycling in the streets alone. See exhibits A and B:
The retard badge was enforced on the feeble minded and mentally disabled in a systematic, predatory manner, as a prelude to mental abuse and torturing them with fear porn, guilt, vaccine subscriptions, and arbitrary, crippling sanctions.
Wearing an idiotic face cloth all day signals to the authorities and the other groupthink-oriented Japanese people that they are in full compliance to ever more exaggerated coronavirus mandates, lockdowns, curfews, and other human rights violations such as meh—loss of their dignity.
Japanese officials quickly discovered that the average Japanese people, who account for an impressive 50% of the population, have only average intelligence. Retard badges were so normalized that average Japanese couldn't even tell wearing retard badges was any stranger than, say, wearing tabi socks.
Especially the full retards, who account for 16% of the population, so the Japanese officials discovered, had very low intelligence. So, if we tell those full retards that the clean air all around them was full of dangerous pathogens and obaasan killers [grandma], they would breath forth from now on only through our specially marketed plastic polymer patches imported from China, and avoid human contact for the rest of their lives, if that's what the government wants—baka! [stupid!]. See exhibit C.
Of course it is not nice to abuse or take advantage of mentally disabled people. For example, you don‘t tell them to eat their own poop or to dress them like sick patients from a sanatorium or to prescribe them highly addictive drugs for profits or to vaccinate them against 60+ random diseases for human experimentation. That would be highly immoral.
That said, the pandemic is probably the best thing that could ever happen to humanity if you are a power hungry sadist. It is a real opportunity to transform society, so you better believe our government officials: Here is an image of the KISHIDA Fumio cabinet as of August 2022. As you can see clearly from this exhibit D, no top official with a brain wears a retard badge. They are clearly doing experiments on their helpless populations. [FYI: When I showed the images to 100 Japanese persons, they all defended the KISHIDA government, saying that Japanese officials only take off their plague masks "for group photos."]
So, most average Japanese persons really thought that wearing masks and stop working and locking yourself up at home for 30 months and torturing your own children was some heroic patriotic service. Children of the low class played in the park with retard masks on, while their retard mothers watched from the sideline, thumbing through Facebook posts on their mobile devices and sipping US Coca-Cola sugary soda from under their retard badges. I spare you with the images, as I thought it too creepy to film on playgrounds. Also, this is a daily horror I would like to erase from my living memories and later forget.
Retard badges, two US-Pfizer corona-vaccinations and two additional US-Pfizer booster injections (and many more to come) are now mandatory for the underclasses, the salary and worker classes, the pregnant women and the children. Most smart people don't comply. But they need a lot of money to be self-sufficient and independent. All the retards, however, from the tourist industry to catering industry to public transport, the production mills, the postal services, the garbage collectors and supermarkets staff and construction workers ... have to wear retard badges at work, at home, and in their leisure time—baka baka baka! [stupid so stupid!].
It is not even about the original 2019 virus any more, in case I haven‘t made that clear. By now, Japanese officials have long moved the goal post and say that the retard badges do not just work against corona flu, but also against influenza flu, pollen, fine particles, dust and air pollution and contacting bacteria and bad breath and whatnot. More even: Total compliance should be seen as therapeutic and teaching the morally good. This garbage always flies with the non-haves. They have nothing but their naked life to worry, so they almost certainly feel morally superior when flashing retard badges. In short, the vast Japanese masses will wear retard badges at all times and possibly forever—wabi-sabi! [accept the beauty of it!].
Most higher ups, governmental officials, top management and the nation's oligarchs, but also foreign expats in Tokyo, do not wear retard badges because, well, they are not retards. Here in exhibit E, you see multimillionaire Swedish national Pewdiepie on a private jet to Tokyo. No masks mandates for multimillionaires and foreign expats, for sure.
There are some foreign exceptions, granted. The 80,000 US soldiers and military personnel, mostly retards with IQs ranging from 85 to 100, do NOT wear retard badges, even though they are US-certified retards. That is because US officials told them it would be cowardly if they lowered themselves to Japanese levels of retardation in public. As a result, you see US people all around Tokyo bay area walking freely in public not wearing retard badges, sabotaging the whole pandemic groupthink hoax show, if you ask me, yet the Japanese officials can't do anything about them, at least not for now.
The most difficult part in maintaining the pandemic hoax is the media. After all, it is 'Year 3 of the Great Idiocy', and by now the public should be aware that, for example, all their beloved television series and NHK programs show actors not wearing retard badges. Maybe there is no virus over there at the state-funded National Broadcast, who knows. Fortunately, the retards have no combinatoric skills, nor do they have the mental capacity of deducing from what they perceive with their own eyes to how they are told to act like idiots in public.
They can't tell lies from reality anymore. They don't think the obvious logical dissonance means anything. Certainly, actors, just as politicians, must have very important jobs, so they are not at all in danger from the deadly virus. Or, they are in terrible danger, and therefore are paid millions of Yen in compensation for not having to wear their retard badges, something like that—atama okashi! [crazy and mad!].
Tens of millions of morons and imbeciles didn't leave their rooms for two summers and worked remote, in "home office." Total scam. 80% of Japanese people live in tiny apatos, or with their parents, and have no home office. Many did nothing. Just vegetating. Their brains ... eaten up by state propaganda. Their eyes ... glued to their US-iPhone screens 8 hours a day, watching US-Youtube videos. Meanwhile, the KISHIDA government enriched itself, sold off the country's future to US mega-corporations, certainly to Pfizer, Apple and all US-Internet firms, and psychologically messed up all those retards who lost all their social skills and dress like cosplaying nurses.
Anyway, this summer, the retards are allowed to leave their rooms again, but not without showing their retard badges to each other and everyone else: Japanese Group Culture! See exhibit F:
We are not just talking retard badges on public transports, in convenient stores or in all shopping malls and streets, no! Most retards are cognitive disabled and have no work, or are too old to work, or are on welfare. So, they stride out with their retard badges and walk, in save social distance of 1 to 2 kilometers, in the boiling hot suburban sun and 40 degrees Celsius—yamenasai! [stop it]. See exhibit G:
Child abuse is rampant. Little toddlers wearing the retard badge, but not so dogs. I have seen things inhumane and insane. Fathers and sons playing soccer with masks on. A group of walkers with plastic helmets in the local swimming pool. Babies packed under bicycle rain covers on a rainless day.
Young boys on skateboards sweating in the sun. Their retard badges are not even made of fabric but of expandable black sponge. Cool retards! When asked, they answered that it was not because of the coronavirus, but because “we have always worn masks in Japan.” One boy, perhaps 14 years of age, gave me a particularly shocking answer. He said he attended school for years now wearing a face mask and that it didn‘t bother him. On the contrary, he said: He has to take the subway and “will be protected during a possible sarin gas attack!”*—chuunibyou! [delusional!].
*he was alluding to the 1994 Tokyo Subway Gas Attack by members of the terrorist Aum sect.
Sure, the other fascist countries like Austria and Germany had far more restrictive mask mandates, with heavy fines and police harassment. That said, Austria and Germany mandated luxury FFP-2 super expensive medical masks, €2 or €5 a piece, non-reusable. Japan is a Third World country assigned by birth and at heart, always will be, but as a US colony it developed a rich capitalist robber caste. So the Japanese officials all enriched themselves while the 99% of the population is now poor, disinformed and intellectually starving, and wears the cheapest model of all medical looking face masks.
Officials organized the cheapest blue polypropylene masks for the idiot population. Plastic masks, really. They look really extra-medical, so all the retards want to look very compliant and choose the baby-blue extra-medical looking face plastics. And not just in the bustling cities but in the sparsely populated countryside too.
So all the remote beaches, fishing towns and mountain villages in Japan are now sporting the retard badges. We are talking about sailors on shrimp cutters, bums, homeless people, old ladies watering the gardens, monks in their monasteries, campers near Mount Fuji and cripples in lake towns driving wheel-chairs. You have to see this to believe it. It is like filming a documentary series about a backward lost tribe in the Amazonas. These Japanese people really believe the polypropylene medical masks made in China prevent them from all diseases and mass death. And I guess if you mock them a bit, they believe it even more.
In exhibit H, we witness former Prime minister ABE Shinzo seconds before his assassination. He was not wearing a mask. Only his servants and the retards in the public believe he is different from them. This is now a common pattern all over the world. Leaders cannot be killed by coronavirus. Only non-notables and serfs are in acute danger.
For centuries, our rulers have thought out policies to identify and permanently mark morons and idiots in society. Of course, we had family trees and criminal records and medical histories, and statistics such as bad grades in school or time spent in front of the TV, or even geographical markers such as a bad neighborhood. But you always had to do a background check.
Now, with the retard badges, for the first time we clearly see who was born with the pea-brains. Here is how the retards have to get food now and probably for all the future—hensatchi hikui ne? [you are in the low digits, right?]. See exhibit I:
And the best thing is: Those base-low simpletons are fully and completely under the impression that everyone else is an exact copy of them, all wearing plague masks and social distancing.
Some commentators have argued with me that those mask retards are really just Schroedinger retards. Schroedinger was a German metaphysicist who said that it was theoretically [:meta] possible for a person to be retarded and not retarded at the same time, until we confront them. So to tourists the Japanese retards sometimes appear super smart and brave walking around in retard mode while being just that, brain-damaged cowardly idiots.
That those who are not retarded and therefore do not wear retard badges are social segregating, living elsewhere in upper class neighborhoods, taking different paths in life and do not use retard public transport at all, does not occur to the retards. They exist in retard mind special habitat zones. Perhaps the first mind-control retard ghettos in the world. In two or three years, they will spray themselves with pesticides after showering, it is bound to happen.
And those who thought it couldn’t get any more ridiculous: In June 2022, the same Japanese officials begged those retards to at least drop the badges during the excruciating heat wave, because blocking your oxygen air canals in the deadly heat is kind of dumb. But to no avail. All the images for this text were taken the next two months of July and August 2022. See exhibit J:
The retards are glad they had to sacrifice their humanity and wear plague masks against a common virus nobody healthy dies from. They believe that if they hadn‘t, they would all be dead by now.
So, I guess they feel eternally grateful to their Japanese officials protecting them. And as a reward, it is only natural that those officials don’t wear stupid masks themselves.
Last exhibit, K: rise of the retards—owata! [It's over!].
The author is a German writer and cultural critic. You can write to him: thorsten.pattberg@yahoo.com
I am in Taiwan. It is worse than China mainland. Totalitarian!
It is an Asian thing. Herd mentality and collectivism. Sad to watch.