Israel Has No Right To Defend Itself Like This, Sorry
8 Billion Humans Distressed, Zionist Dream Evaporates
Don’t Confuse Revenge With Justice
Dear Committee,
Thank you for the Update.
Israel two days ago made a blunder and said “it had the right to self-defence.” Well, no. That is the whole point of human rights. You have absolutely no right to defend yourself - from anything! You can be raped, taxed, vaxxed, displaced, genocided... but if you defend yourself, THAT IS a crime greater than humanity. Hence its name: A crime against humanity. Full stop. Let me explain this.
Self-Defence is Barbaric
Defending against what, anyway? Tyranny? Injustice? When the Russians in the Donbass region defended themselves against Ukraine atrocities, the Western media establishment told us this was a great no-no, remember? The Russians must never defend themselves!
If you “defend yourself” against the Empire, you will be crushed financially, socially, physically. This is true for subjects, organizations, and countries. If you are wrongfully attacked, you may show the other cheek or whine about it. You definitely want to wait for the negotiators and the world government. But if you “defend yourself violently,” your punishment will triple and quadruple and your pain will be made ten times worse. This is the Law. Look it up.
Ask Donald Trump, ask any felony person, ask any regime of matters. Defending yourself against the System? Like you were above the Law or something? Like you were some special God-people, are you nuts? Or like you had some monopoly on violence now, terrorist? The world community, public opinion, the prosecutor, the prison warden, the thought police,... they are going to end your silly delusions of frontier justice!
So what is the biggest LAW in the universe? The United Nations have a universal LAW that prohibits all forms of violence. Violence against the people is serious international crime. But it is NOT an ‘Anti-Attack law’. It is an ‘Anti-Defense law’! Let me explain this, because it is of great importance.
The United Nations and Europe attack Libya, Serbia, Russia, China, Iran, whatever, anyway they want, economic, cyber, hybrid, physical war. No problem. If anybody defends itself, however, THAT is a problem! THAT is the illegal violence and must be met with more violence. That was the United Nations‘ Anti-Defense Law in a nutshell.
War is Civilized
So when Russia in the beginning defended ethnic Russians against tyranny in the Donbass region, Ukraine, THAT was seen as the greater crime. Not the actual Ukrainian crimes on the ethnic Russians, but the Russians “defending against the abuse”… was Russia‘s highest crime! “War crime tribunal!” “Nuke Moscow!” “End Russia!” You have heard the Western verdict. You are close to understanding LAW.
Make a note, India, China, Mesoamerica, Africa, Germany, Japan, and all you victim nations out there. You will be raped and tortured and provoked into defending your existence... that‘s when you will be committing the greatest crimes against humanity: defending yourself against the inevitable! I repeat: Self-defense is primitive and barbaric, AND HIGHLY CRIMINAL!
To further illustrate my point, see the table below: On the Right top side is the USA and below the countries that “defended themselves.” against whatever which they perceived as terror. However, LAW dictates that the defenders were the actual terrorists, evil regimes, criminals and other monsters. On the Left top side is Iran. Now, if Iran learned anything about the LAW, what should it do next time around?
Luckily, Putin and Russia came to their senses and realized the LAW. So now they are officially saying that Russia is indeed attacking Ukraine, it is a war, simple!
So next the Zionists are being wrongfully attacked because they genocided the Palestinians in Palestine, occupied their lands and drove them out into concentration camps, in Gaza for example? Well, too bad. Do the Zionists now have the right to defend themselves and carpet-bomb a million citizens and mass-murder children? No. Absolutely not! There are rules. Ask the Chinese, the Russians, the Germans, the Middle Eastern people... Not even the well-connected Zionists must be defending themselves. That is the LAW.
Attacking, however, is just fine. Study History. Study the United Nations. War is just. Defending is unjust. This is the world we live in, and this is the LAW. Now observe this: Israel must never say it was “defending itself,” but it did say it at first, so now it must totally redact that barbaric, senseless, criminal announcement of terrorism. Instead, Israel must say it is going to war against the Palestinians in Gaza and solve this problem once and for all. The LAW is understood.
This attack war will be applauded by the Israel enablers in Washington, London, Brussels and Berlin, the UN, NATO, and so on. Meanwhile, the defensive Arabs in the region will be put on trial like the Germans or Serbs or Afghans were put on trial before for defending themselves.
If you want to understand how Humanity works, learn about LAW. The United States and Europe and the Jews are going to abuse EVERYONE forever and in all eternity. They provoke you into violence, until you defend yourself. That’s when you show your true criminal, senseless, barbaric self. That self-defence attitude is their right to kill you. LAW.
The LAW is unnatural, of course. The United Nations cannot enforce it by themselves because they have no planetary police force (yet). Natural law would be the opposite. In Natural law, defense is just, but not so in unnatural LAW, where self-defence is the highest crime.
The end goal of man-made artificial LAW is to turn you into a defenseless vegetable state, obviously, like Gaza or West Germany. If you feel wronged, you issue a formal complaint and let a superior foreign power see you all the way through alien, inhumane, legal justice. Humans are thus parted from their physicality. No more violence, you see. Learn the difference between natural Law and man-made LAW.
Ok, I say it again. Or rephrase it. The moment Israel corrected itself and said they are going to war against the Arabs terrorists, THE ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD LOVES ISRAEL. Here, they even lit their government buildings in the colors of the Jews. This is almost as festive as when the USA attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, wow. LAW, remember.
Everyone who ever defended themselves in world history were dehumanized, killed, disowned. The natives, the nations, the people, the individuals. Those who did the dehumanizing, killing, and disowning, however,... got away. They LAWED the world like a bunch of predators LAYED their web. You defend yourself in it, you only call forth their bloodlust. It is a trap.
Washington, London, NATO... understand the LAW, and this is what they have in mind when they say they’re going to expand the LAW-based Reich. And I hope it is sufficiently clear now why Russia and the Jews must NEVER SAY they are just self-defending. They must say they’re attacking and going to war...
Lesson learned. Occupation is just. Defenders are terrorists, baaah!
IDT INSTITUTE (c) 4021 - The Institute for Difference and Time / GET YOUR COPY!
This could be the beginning of the end. We need Jesus who tanks for us.
Not one more death, I don't care who your god is. Be kind to your neighbours.