“I wonder why Hollywood hasn’t made a movie about THIS genocide” --Marty McFly
“The Jews are ruling the world.” --Eric Clapton
The world is colliding with a lying universe, my brothers. The Empire of Jews [and Lies] is going to replace every upright, fatherland-loving Palestinian, Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese, English and German with Jew-loving homosexuals, liberals and strong transwamen [sic]. That‘s because the Jews said they don‘t wanna co-exist with traditional people that are the eyesore to the DIE Diversity Inclusion Equity committee, so it‘s “antisemitism or Gaza.” [To you history majors, “Gaza” is Hebrew for Campsite: All leads to Gaza, and gaza we must them all!]
[Oh, and did I mention the great manipulators also control Columbia campus, porn, and TheNarrative™?]
Seriously, we are looking at the end of humanity, because we don‘t need them—the humans I mean: Homo sapiens was a scientific misnomer anyway, like fossil fuels or sovereign nations or the races. We have democracy, which is foreign rule. [Kratos means rule. Demos is the people. It means ruling the people, which implies a remote.] There is only the remote world rulers and their human farm(s), so now you know.
I am relaying this from inside the Human Farm. The project is almost completed by our expert idiot and China hand T J Pattberg and it will be leaked soon, so watch out for it (paid subscribers only)->The Human Farm. [Below is the HF cover. We went with this cover because we had just this submission.]
So the Scholz and the Marcon and the Sunak of the Jewish satrap states FaGerUK have greenlighted the attack on Feral Russia. Germany, a postwar US satellite regime custom-made for the Nuremberg Israelis, became the military forward base for the US democrats who “treat every human as equal,” they keep insisting, meaning you’ll all be sentenced to hatefree open-air prison camp with a country code.
Funny fact, Russia also thinks it is bestest friends with the Victim Cult of Zion, and we can’t blame the Russians: We all want a place near the top of the Human Hierarchy, don’t we? Russia’s Putin said so himself, he said he was just cleansing Nazis east of the Dnieper. Ukraine’s Zelensky, meanwhile, is the Jew that keeps sodomizing thirty-two NATO member states into submission. America’s Biden administration is Jewish. So we could say that all war parties are imaginarily fighting on behalf of the Chosen Ones, which are the DIE Deep State, which are the World Rulers who traversed the Fifth dimension. [Do not despair, they are NOT the only ones!]
Without further ado, the last and final chapter of The Fifth dimension, the super manual to super creation with solutions for creating the post-humanity.
[And yes, WWIII was inevitable. Humans squeal, as we do, and “they” like to measure us.]
J. J. Goldstein, PhD
IDT Institute
Chapter Seven. The Book of Futures
On Difference, Multitude, and Expansion
In the realm of the Fifth dimension, one finds no immutable law of nature, but rather a description of human comportment towards this domain of unreality and alternatives, encapsulated in what is termed the "Law of Difference."
The Law of Difference delineates the boundaries of human capacity to apprehend and retain any semblance of reality. For when we apply our minds earnestly, any reality swiftly dissolves or disintegrates. As the Brahmin philosopher expounded, it is consciousness itself that precipitates its dissolution. Echoing the wisdom of the Taoist sage, it is through the act of observation that reality is fragmented. Like a discerning laser, our minds engage in differentiation. Allow me to elucidate the Law of Difference through a monologue imparted to Monsieur Eis by one of the Masters of Speech, a super creator:
Antithesis shall unfailingly come to pass. The ardent lover shall not receive love in reciprocity, the afflicted shall perennially find redemption. Folly shall triumph over the most sagacious, who are already in jubilation. To covet all is to obtain naught; it is bestowed upon those who already possess all and wanted none of it.
To betray a notion is to forfeit it. The one who articulates with clarity shall forever elude comprehension. The world comprehends those who shroud themselves in enigma. The paragon of humanity has perpetually dwelled in our basest elements. Those venerated as saints were the least among us.
The derided here shall find reverence there. The adulated here have been decreed by the dominion. Beauty beckons misadventure, while ugliness undergoes the costliest improvement. What the so-called luminaries of sense and rationality inscribed harbors the essence of sorcery and manipulation.
Authentic erudition seals every aperture. Spurious erudition... and every portal swings ajar. Ignorance yet purloins the preeminent philosopher. To metamorphose the world, one need only proffer the ultimatum: "Thou shalt not change!" To subjugate a populace, one must persuade them of ceaseless evolution to stand still.
The finest people are the initial to depart. The malevolent ascend to positions of governance. The most nefarious bestow upon us the utmost felicity. Regrettably, the most resolute champions of liberty are also deemed fascists.
We venerate substances, carnality, and violence, yet denounce them until the reckoning day. We disdain forthrightness, rectitude, and decency, yet they are the precepts instilled in every academy. Progeny adhere to precisely what we prohibit—in defiance.
Subsequently, politicians dismantle precisely what they had erstwhile vowed—borne of disdain. If one yearns to be deceived by their partner, it behooves them to forewarn: "Deceive me not!" He who aspires to dominion over the world utters not a word thereof.
To inflict grievous harm upon one's adversaries, silence proves most efficacious. The prodigy is consumed in the early blaze; it is the indolent who sets the world ablaze. The unspoken binds the populace in unity. He who voices it foments war.
Every cogitation, every comprehension, every encounter, undergoes inversion into its diametrical antithesis: He who apprehends this is absolved of trepidation in eternally treading the erroneous path—it is the sole path.
Those who endeavored to forewarn us have long since vanished, extinguished, or driven into the wilderness. Now, even the Masters of Speech harbor trepidation for their eons of toil, for they can but steer, actively steer, the annals of humanity by inscribing the precise converse of their somber designs, such that they no longer dictate aught, but are dictated to by their master, their equipoise, their terminus. I am of ten million years, Monsieur Eis. I am the Difference.
In the cosmic theater, the plight of common humanity unfolds amidst an insatiable universe: To be rational is to be accused of sentimentality, while emotional fervor is heralded as the pinnacle of logic. Escape from the reversal of meaning, the transvaluation of all values, the relativity of motion, and the frailty of human endeavor proves elusive. The masses are not destined to breach the formidable barrier of comprehension, yet somehow, a select few among us have.
Those who have ascended to the status of creators within our species stand apart from the common human experience to a degree akin to the distinction between humans and animals, perhaps a billionfold more so. An impending challenge arises, for these creators will harbor no compunctions nor mercies in their treatment of the lesser humans left befuddled and disoriented by reason, logic, and dialectics – faculties viewed by the creators as somewhat derogatory and rudimentary, akin to our primal instincts, reflexes, and sensory perceptions.
For the creators – be they termed makers, custodians of world governance, or by any monikers prevalent in your domain or field of study – their physical forms are but corporations, not the essence of their being. Their bodies constitute pure matter, incapable of attaining the velocity of light, traversing time's backward flow, or transcending relational bounds. Nevertheless, they possess the capacity for far grander feats: They can create WeWork and Bitcoin.
The selves they inhabit, manifold and artificial, assume roles of played personas, legal entities, names and functions, numerical identities and datasets, myriads of cards, subjects of the state, titles, virtual avatars, authorities, an array of contracts and personnel, the credit, the capital, the verse, the legacy. They comprise fictitious multitudes, ever yearning to propagate more inanities and vanities to intersperse amidst burgeoning multitudes. The Fifth dimension remains boundless.
The predicament, or perhaps perplexity, posed by the Law of Difference to the logical and pragmatic individual is that illogic and unreality outperform, and surpass by a wide margin; that bewilderment, upheaval, theatrics, and turmoil yield... distinction, ripe for reaping. Hence, the creators crave more, exponentially more distinction, whether sown in conflict, lunacy, rivalry, or warfare. So foretell the sages of Davos, the World Economic Forum: Our paramount creators shall burgeon to unprecedented proportions, aided by our contrivances and mechanisms, infiltrating every market, assuming every format, at all junctures.
The creators approach, armed with the full arsenal of their might. A trillion spam communiqués, virulent falsities, mind viruses, inoculations. Another quadrillion of data, ventriloquist puppets, automatons, and photons streaming forth from their pulsating citadels alone. The grandest propaganda engine on Earth boasts forty billion "readers" – surpassing the count of living souls. For the living have now dwindled to a minority in our realm of creation. Historians have christened this frenzy the post-factual era. No horse need be sought, we conjure forth eighty thousand horses. Who requires verity and news by others when one may fabricate facts and disseminate news oneself? Once, a solitary portrayal of any individual sufficed. Today, we are besieged by one hundred twenty thousand portrayals of Felix, who never breathed, each day throughout his fictitious span of thirty-four years, none genuine, or rather, an improved, more immaculate verisimilitude: the birth of the omnistar!
In the cloud, an octillion instances of the ersatz billionaire and cosmic voyager now abound, wrought by potent digital foundries. No human lensman partook in this endeavor; non-human entities performed this task. The engineers remain unsung heroes. The super creator hungers for replicas and simulacra near the Tannhäuser Gate and on Mars: Legends akin to Jesus Christ – yet superior. Synthetic governance, synthetic faith, synthetic man. Various appellations are mooted for this expansion: Meta, transcendent. Crypto, clandestine. E, energetic. Matrix, combinatorial. Quantum, the particles of deity. Trans, the hereafter. Cyber, the helm. None novel, all derived from Classical code, all pointing to what has ever existed, only now accessible to the outer tribe: the Fifth dimension.
In contemplation of these words, the modus operandi of the super creators unfurls in its essence:
You must resolutely negate their emblems, allegories, directives, counsel, mythos, and spiritual abstractions. Refrain from serving their agenda. Pave your unique path through all of this.
You must unequivocally reject their institutions, regimes, non-governmental "authorities," diminutive dominions, false sanctuaries, media enterprises, and other contrived crucibles of their reality. Cease to dwell in their constructed verity. Instead, forge of all such entities your own distinct iterations.
You must vociferously dissent from their moral frameworks, their stratifications, their caste divisions, their incarnations, their entitlements, their suppression, their oversight, their consumerist ethos, and doctrinal ideologies. Withdraw from their realm of existence. Erect your own realm.
You must decline to uphold their annals, their bequests, their chronicles and autobiographies, their heritages, their appellations, their statutes. Abandon the pandering to others' fraudulent enterprises and vanity ventures. Elevate your own community to prominence.
You must rebuff all their metrics, prerequisites, accreditations, and schemes engineered to favor their confidants while constraining your ascent. Be not afraid. Refuse to submit like a subservient hound. You possess the agency to pursue what you aspire, to undertake endeavors when your resolve is steadfast.
Similarly, you must rebuff their mandates, coercion, and tyranny. They have devised these absurd hierarchies to restrain you, to ostracize you, to thwart your ascent and suppress your spirit. All is a facade. Demand reciprocity and witness the outcome: They would never deign to emulate your disposition! You had been… deceived.
You must decline acquiescence to both humanity and the natural order. This, perchance, proves the most arduous of endeavors, yet we have surmounted such thresholds. Our forthcoming synthetic vessels shall acquire knowledge with seamless ease. Machines shall retain what we, in our mortal coil, never grasped. Deceased individuals amass followers numbering in the millions. Begin to engender billions more. Your corporeal frame may be solitary, but your virtual domain is legion.
You must relinquish their monopolization of technologies, their presses, periodicals, broadcasting frequencies, televised transmissions, the internet, video platforms, social networks, biomechanics, software, applications, and artificial intelligences. They wield these instruments to spawn a myriad of non-human constructs, each endeavoring to distinguish itself from the collective. Abandon the apologia for subjugation. Construct or employ technologies to amplify your and your people’s universal presence.
You stand not in solitude. You are not retired Roy Batty amid the cosmos of ideas, not as of yet. You are still ensconced in flesh and bone, a vessel through which distinctions emerge into the Fifth dimension.
Hearken to all who have pontificated on creation, expounded on self-realization, imparted wisdom on unity with the cosmos. Ponder, and thus, you shall become. Your essence aligns with your ruminations. Envision expansively, surpassing the realms of all earthly species, transcending all predecessors.
You must start to spread out.
Should you falter in any or all of these pursuits, should they have subjugated you and imposed their version of reality upon you, you shall remain naught but a vestige of humanity's bygone era.
The age of humanity has expired.
And our tenacity in clinging to the tangible, likewise, has met its denouement.
Book I. Creation: Foundation. Limitlessness. Super Creators
Book II. Humanities: Portals. Cultures. Security
Book III. Practice: Actors. Practitioners. Manipulators
Book IV. Histories: Ages. Civilizations. Narratives
Book V. Linguistics: Humans, Machines, Communication
Book VI. Institutions: World, Alternatives, and Artifice
Book VII. Difference, Multitude, and Expansion
@Bogshot There is this key passage in the Confucian Classics where the Master is testing his disciples with the following dilemma: If the authorities were to be looking for your father to arrest him, should you be telling them his whereabouts? Confucius's answer is of world historic consequence, he says: No, you should not inform on your own parents.
That is why Confucianism could never be transplanted to German or European lands. Our regimes would not allow it. The "truth" is the truth in Christianity. We are going to murder everyone for the truth. How can you not tell the truth? and so on.
In Germany, the Germans are constantly watching everyone and reporting strangers, neighbors, friends, and their own family to the authorities, no problem. Dutiful denunciation and moral policing is ingrained into all Germans from an early age.
Because if something is against the law or regulations, it is the duty of "the good German" to report everyone to the nearest police, no matter what.
The Emperor once promoted this uninteresting old historian, Emmanuel Kant, to the ranks of the greatest philosophers in the universe, why, because Kant wrote exactly what the regimes wanted to hear, namely, that the stupid masses should never tell a lie and never give false witness, the so-called Moral Imperative. Confucius, meanwhile, was called a moral dictator and tyrant type, and Confucianism was decried in Europe as backward, static, and authoritarian.
Anyways, this is how the German authorities "bred" their children into total submission. Every German school child is also a little moral police officer, and Germans are genuinely scared of being denunciated for anything they do, so they denunciate others before it can happen to them.
It is the perfect police state and nobody even comes close to the Germans, and certainly not the Russians, Eastern Europeans or the Chinese. You can find this to be the case in all the known literature in the world as remote as in Japan, where the Japanese admired the Germans for their intense and uncompromising lack of empathy, effective bureaucracy and rule-following. So they copied them, for a while.
I would say that the most intelligent people do not inform on their own folks, friends, and family. Germany is a violent, very effective killing machine of a nation full of little persecutors, and everybody in the world should fear it. Alas, intelligent it is not. It is a very, very cruel, inflexible society. Best! T
Wonderful. I stopped doing anything. Whats the point of arranging your chairs on a sinking ship that is the debt economy. I am just waiting until bitcoin goes up to $1 million. Enjoy the collapse!