“One flew East, one flew West,
one flew over the Cuckoo's nest."
—a line from a folk song.
We are going to diagnose [to show evidence of] a lot of old and new mental diseases, and soon: The mental disease of “wanting freedoms,” the mental disease of “wanting to be healthy,” the mental disease of “just wanting to be left alone.”
At the center of that epileptic hole that our therapists call the human consciousness [really, the Self] we have the delusions, the imagining of situations that are not real—”not real” as in “Western Democracy,” “a nice and clean Paris,” or “a meteor that killed the dinosaurs.”
Mental Health Has To Stop
All groups harbor particular delusions about themselves and where they’re coming from, and where they’re are going next.
The delusion of the Black slaves in free America wanting freedom was called drapetomania.
The delusion of the Red elves wanting to stay alive at the Western Frontier was called powaqa, “witchiness.”
The delusion of the Nordic pagans to be free of persecution by the Romans was called heresy.
All of them were put back into their place, for having the wrong kind of delusions is intolerable to management.
The delusional wrongs are all forms of an archetypal, deranged mind set trying to sickening our functional collective, and their sufferers must be hospitalized or drugged out into oblivion for the good of society.
Obviously, all would be going well in our world without the sick, delusional people spoiling our tyranny.
The Good Ones
The Westroids in Europe maimed, sliced, hanged or burned the fucking mentally retarded, but the Westroids in America, the American pioneers of human psychology, had better, more Puritan ideas.
They gave those delusional sickos and losers an endless supply of tabacco, coke, alcohol, pussy and gambling, and—most important—hard, addictive pharmaceuticals. And then they saith onto them: Work now or die. Cowboys don’t exist in nature; one needs to build them. Vaccinate them against evil thoughts with a bible belt, and exorcise [to drive out] their evil, otherly thoughts.
The two results are these: the Westroids in Europe had a problem and found a solution—lock them up; while the Westroids in America had a solution that caused more problems—let them loose.
There is nothing more repulsive and sickening than Americans who see free stuff or free women everywhere, or rather: women that are unfree but must be maketh free asap [as soon as possible], with time here as a revolutionary concept so vague and almost inadmissible: “The people are the only legitimate fountain of power,” said James “Mad” Madison, a founding father, who was full of shit and had Madname tacked to his lawn. Everyone in this fresh country and open psychiatry is more or less mad, utterly mad and delusional, saith the Lord, and started to treat them with fire and snake oil.
Thus, America started as an old farm and ended on a new farm, and no barnyard mad-crazy Gringo shall venture into the mountains without an apothecary of mad instructions and chemical substances to treat his follies.
The Not Good Ones
While there are the good delusions that are our army builders, there are the bad delusions that haunt the individual sociopath. The world must become a hostile place to those sickly types who seek fantasy about escaping our Anthropology, for they are no longer in best health and must be treated, will be treated, with unbelievable but necessary pain therapy.
The delusion of importance is paranoia. The delusion of fame… grandiosa. The delusion of victory… a curtain.
O those wickedly-wicked individuals who taketh their brains into their own tiny hands must be verrückt and shall be quarantined in grand madhouses as big as cities.
Before delusions became the delusions, they were just poverty. After Fuckhole, the French historian, published his ‘The History of Madness’, they became… idleness. Europe’s hospitals had transformed into factories for profit. America, not to be outdone, let her idle fuckers loose and unto the poor Indians and Mexicans. This rather epic delusion was named after a sickbed in clinical anesthesia at Southport, Connecticut, where James Adams, another founding father, rose from a surgery and said he’s had the most epic dream—”of Americans all becoming epic”—which he aptly called ‘the Epic of America’…dream.
[Side note: The Founding Fathers all attended Church service, alright. I believe it. But did they believe in an Aramaic wizard who looks suspiciously like Robert Powell, after “a true Hebrew story” passed down to us by the Greeks who all wore beards, whereas the Fathers shaved and didn‘t? Come on! They either staged it for public service or they were...
… special delusional.]
Everyone Gets On An Ugly Trip Here, Then Dies
“No pain, no delusions,” they say on the streets. The delusion of not living on farms of confinement is called a [vacation.] [passport.] [television set.] [paycheck.] plain idiocy. Evidently, then, the curse of constantly occupying the non-reality of their mad, caged existence at least gives them work and shelter, while the cure of seeing one’s reality… lands them in the pen. Hence the premonition [a strange sensation] by the wise Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás of Harvard at Cambridge by Boston far from the Spanish sea, that "madness had better been put to good use.” [He also said, “pop a delusion, gain wisdom,” which makes me think that all American writers are some kind of double-tongued con artists.]
From henceforth, there shall no sane minded tradesman be made. If not for the humans, for the human farm on this zonal latitude it must be guaranteed that the grandest delusion of them all, the delusion of fine mental health—“that post-traumatic stress syndrome”— was never a problem to begin with in mad Westroid, it had always been… the solution.
You can watch Live Demonstration of a Group of Powerfull Delusional Idiots running (ruining) Europe's former Powerhouse Germany.
A masterpiece, Dr. P! Basically, the whole American project was a big deception. The land of unlimited possibilities was actually just a lawless, propertyless land that had yet to be taken. It was basically a jungle where the law of the strongest applied. The American dream attracted psychopaths and criminals from the Old World, who then easily wiped out the natives. A very specific American type was cultivated: the ruthless, murderous superhero (in his head), who interprets his crimes as a great liberation. And so he inspires lower thoughts elsewhere, hence the disturbances, color revolutions, and military interventions all over the world.