Yes, China's Culture, Language, History are pretty much Western Property
The Human Hierarchy - Part 2
THERE IS an unobstructed, concerted cultural rape going on on Chinese names, brands and terminologies. The metaphor of rape is fitting, if we accept human nature as sexually driven and the forcing oneself on a weaker person against their will triggers high sensation, adventure and pleasure. Chinese migrants to America for example, will be mistreated on sight. So they culturally camouflage as American by adopting American-sounding names - Lily Wong or Kevin Shu or Kaiser Kuo.
Chinese immigrants in this respect are no different to African transplants to America, black slaves, who in the nineteenth century had all but adopted American slave naming traditions. Of course, some Africans retained African names such as Cuffee, Bilah or Mustapha. However, most slaves were assigned American names by their slave-masters.
Just take China Studies at Harvard University. Not just the last 300 years but this year, 2021. There are new incoming affiliates, but, hey, sorry: Cheng Yangyang becomes Yangyang Cheng. There are your typical American-Chinese faculty like David Yang and William Hsiao. They have Chinese names, but they would rather not use them. If they were negroes, you could call them house negroes. They get exceptional privileges that ordinary Chinese could only dream of, and most Chinese students at Harvard aspire to imitate them. James Huang is another. He is a linguist. His real name is Huang Zhengde, but better not use his correct name in Harvard. Thousands of young Chinese could imitate him, and Harvard fascist China Studies could collapse just like its shady manipulation of all things Chinese could collapse.
So, the Chinese transplants, from the nineteenth century onwards, upgraded their names to whites by association. They also boast their American language skills. Yellow kids spent 10 years on aping for TOEFL or GRE scores. Time that American native-speakers extract to underscore their cultural supremacy.
For the Chinese, being associated with the West is the ultimate upgrade in life. But here ends the similarity to African immigrants. The Americans are not content with just Chinese prostrating to Western naming standards in the US; no, they also demand, alongside the other Western powers like Germany, Britain, France and even Canada and Australia, that the Chinese change their names - IN CHINA!