THE greatest tool of control is not owning all theories, technologies and standards. The greatest tool of control is social hierarchy. And the West has created by far the most impenetrable social hierarchy on the planet, with God‘s Chosen people at the top.
And I am not talking about the Pope and his Catholics or Luther and his Idiot-Protestants. No, those groups are just the useful armies of an overbearing, bloodthirsty God Almighty. The true masters of humanity are stateless, borderless, raceless, genderless and have no ethics. They own nothing, because all is theirs.
But let us first have a look at the local class systems in Britain, Germany and America. Their social hierarchies are permanent. Since the beginning of time the liars tell the gullible that “everyone is equal.” But nobody is, and all action or thought of resistance against the first Lie is punishable, and they will make you suffer until you break into pieces. Yes, India also has an impressive caste system of high-born Brahmans at the top and the low-life shudra and untouchables at the bottom. Varnas, or castes, however, were introduced to India by… can you guess who? Correct, the caste system was introduced 4,000 years ago by the Aryans, white people, who conquered the Hindu valley of Northern India from the West. You do know that Iran in Persian literally means “the land of the Aryans,” don‘t you?
Adolf Hitler hailed the Aryans as the ultimate Master Race. Of course, he meant the non-Anglo-Saxon white people in general. We come back to him and that distinction in a minute.
Under Western control, hierarchy is blood, and blood is everything. Blood says who came first. Blood is History. If you touch the Chosen Ones, you are dead. Your blood line will be drained, eliminated.
In Europe as well as in America, one‘s History is everything. People are born into their classes, and can NEVER escape this cosmic law, the Law of Difference. American presidents, known to be the most powerful offices in the universe, bow to the messengers of this Law and kneel to their God. Charity and affirmative action and all fake programs concocted to dissolve the differences are in fact doing the opposite: they strengthen that class system and ironclad the hierarchies, in case you haven’t noticed.
Now that the West runs the world, it has classified all countries and races, too. Below are the five Classes of the current World Order plus the classless: